January 7, 2023

How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly?

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If we could start chucking in a bunch of keywords and call it SEO in the past, we wouldn’t have to do as much monitoring today. So let us read So let us read more about How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly?

How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly?

So, How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly?

So as per this How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly? article, Even more so because algorithms change so often, if you want your WordPress site to do well, you must stay on one of the first five search results pages, where 67.60% of clicks go.

Slow Loading

In short, 53% of people who go online will leave a site if it brings more than 3 seconds to load. We’re used to getting information immediately, and many other websites can give us information faster.

Google also likes sites that load quickly and gives them higher rankings. You could use WebPageTest or PageSpeed Insights to find out how long it takes to load.

Choose Better Hosting

Depending on your website’s size, you must select a hosting company and plan. Websites that get less than 1,000 daily visitors might be fine with a small shared hosting plan.

But if you have a very large website, you would need to change your plan to handle that much traffic. Also, we always suggest using a reliable host with built-in caching features, like WP Engine, to improve your site’s overall performance.

Make images smaller

Images usually weigh more than anything else, which is why the site is so slow. You can do it yourself with Photoshop or an online free tool like Kraken that doesn’t hurt the quality.

Compress the file size of CSS and JS files.

Cut down on the number of CSS and JS calls and files on your site. Google gives you instructions on how to do this by hand, or you can utilize a plugin like Autoptimize to handle this process. Some important things to remember are:

  • Change the speed of the Internet in different countries with CDN.
  • Deactivate unused plugins
  • The database is clean (unwanted data, bot comments, old drafts, etc.)
  • cut down on the number of outside scripts

 Not Responding Design

So as guided in this How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly? article, Smartphones may have become more important to us than computers. We could take a trip or stroll in the park without our laptops. We have to always have it in our hands.

Instead of waiting for the computer to load, it is faster to unlock the device and search. So mobile usage has consistently been over 50% through 2020.

If you don’t have a version of your website that works well on mobile devices, you could be losing 50% of your traffic. And no, no one will stay on the webpage to zoom in on slides and layouts that look stupid, even if the content is good. You can make a design that works on all devices on your own.

This might make sense if you don’t want to change your theme, but you will need to know how to code, and it will take a long time and much testing.

You can also employ plugins like JetPack or WP touch to make a mobile version of your site with the theme you already have. Even though it’s simpler than doing it alone, it’s still not the easiest thing to do.

The URL Structure Is Confusing

Most algorithms, not people, care about how neat the URL is. Because bots read URLs the same way regular users read titles, a good URL should include the article’s main topic and keywords.

If the link is just a bunch of chance numbers and letters, the bot won’t try to follow it. But remember that users probably won’t click on a questionable link. So, there are two great reasons to step up your URL game.

Links Structure

So considering this How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly? article, To change how URLs are made, go to the admin panel of your WordPress site, click on Settings, and look for the Permalinks section. Your settings are probably time and date, but a post name would be better.

URL Slugs

Once your structure is set up, you can change the slug for links to posts and pages as you add new content. When changing a new post or page, click the Edit button beside the permalink at the editor’s top. Here are some tips to assist you in comprehending how to maximize URLs better:

  • Categorize content
  • Avoid capital letters
  • Remove words like “a,” “an,” “as,” “it,” “may,” “of,” and “to.” Separate words with hyphens, not underscore.
  • Add sensitive URLs to the pages to show that you are mobile-friendly.
  • 301 redirects should be used on pages with new URLs.

Missing XML Sitemap

The XML sitemap is a crucial component of any site. This is a sort of list that shows how your website is put together so that search engines can crawl it and start indexing the pages.

Every website needs a sitemap, so you mustn’t forget to make your own. A sitemap should help your site’s content organize itself. Imagine a tree with branches.

Incorrect Title Tags

The search engine results are shown in the order of link, title tag, and meta description. Since links are generally written in a small font, and the URL is not the first thing a user looks at, they will see the title first.

Search engines pay attention to titles and may even rank well-known sites lower if their title tag doesn’t match what the article is about.

Meta Description

So based on this How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly? article, Users, not search engines, are the focus of meta descriptions.

It’s a sneak peek at the page’s content, which helps users decide if it’s something they want to look at. So, having a good meta description could be your ticket to high click-through rates.

Google tends to weight higher if more people visit them, so using meta descriptions is a way to indirectly improve your SEO. It has to be approximately 160 characters long, use simple phrases and short sentences, and explain what your page is about.

It also makes sense to add some keywords and a call to action to make it more interesting.

Too Many Keywords

Search engines can’t read and judge the content as well as a person can. So, they look for relevance linked to the number of keywords. When SEO was new and algorithms were simple, websites would cram as many keywords as possible into an article, and it worked.

Today, you can have too much of a good thing, so you shouldn’t use too many keywords.

Google doesn’t just try to get more relevant and better information. Keyword stuffing makes a big difference in the quality because the text sounds unnatural.

Marketers make sentences with nothing to do with the keyword they want to use, and you see the same word used three times in a three-sentence paragraph. Because of this, Google may put pages lower in its rankings if they have too many keywords.

Duplicate Content

We know that making content is not easy. You should always know what’s happening and work hard to write or make something. Yet, it is better to create less content to produce a unique piece.

It’s not just a question of right and wrong. As good robots, search engines will put copied content at the bottom of their lists. There are times when the same information is on more than one website.

Conclusion – How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly?

For instance, your product information is similar or shares the same URL parameters. So, try to come up with different ways to describe things on the website.

Don’t steal or automatically rewrite content if it is already available elsewhere.

Occasionally, you may unwittingly plagiarize text; after all, the Internet is replete with examples of every conceivable phrase structure. So this concludes the topic for How Do I Understand If My Website Is SEO Friendly?.

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